We have finally found a recepient! I'm really just getting all my strengths from that news. Aynee will be buried tomorrow. I hope everyone can pay their last respects, expecially those who grew very close to her.
We will, like the wake, wear white clothes and black arm bands. After laying her in place we decided to fly balloons and butterflies to send her off. I wish that Aynee will be happily smiling down to us from heaven.
Again, thank you everyone for tagging, but please don't start trouble, please please just don't. Well, I don't know what to do honestly, and I don't know what to say. Thank you to those who praise me as a brother, but seriusly, this is the least I can do for her.
I wish, after tomorrow, people can resume normal lives. Surely, those close to her will never get back our lives, but I hope no one clings to this tragedy. There will come a day when you will forget about her, when you will forget about this, that is understandable, but I hope, you will keep her memories alive. Such that, one day, when someone might mention this moment in one's life, or when one encounters something that brings you back to this memories, Aynee will still be there. That you will still recount your memories with her. It may not be fresh, but at least, it is still there. It may not be enthusiastically alive, but it is not dead.
I will forever remember the hope you brought to our family. Someday, maybe, when fate choses to cross our roads, we still can happily remember the special person who brought us together.
Stay well and God Bless.
Monday, 24 September 2007
Friday, 21 September 2007
Thank you for remembering Aynee
Just got off Aynee's msn. I feels really weird to know how people view my sister as. Some side of her I have never even met, though it makes me realize how much I really know her, and how lucky I am to do so.
Thank you everyone who shared their grief with me, thank you for consoling me though you have never met me, Thank you all very very much for sharing your memories of Aynee with me. Thank you for remembering the memories you've shared with her, be it short or long, thank you for everything.
I'm sorry I had to go early, I would still have wanted to share more thoughts with you lot. Thank you Thank you everyone, you know who you are.
I managed to open Aynee's blogger as she has the same password as I have in everything. The family decided to deleted everything that might bring despair to readers and to our family. We decided, however, to keep a few bittersweet entries as a celebration of how Aynee lived her life.
God bless you all.
Thank you everyone who shared their grief with me, thank you for consoling me though you have never met me, Thank you all very very much for sharing your memories of Aynee with me. Thank you for remembering the memories you've shared with her, be it short or long, thank you for everything.
I'm sorry I had to go early, I would still have wanted to share more thoughts with you lot. Thank you Thank you everyone, you know who you are.
I managed to open Aynee's blogger as she has the same password as I have in everything. The family decided to deleted everything that might bring despair to readers and to our family. We decided, however, to keep a few bittersweet entries as a celebration of how Aynee lived her life.
God bless you all.
Thanks and apologies
Thank you so much to everyone who tagged. Your tags not only ease our grief but gives meaning to Aynee's death as well.
Four more days and we'll have to say goodbye to out sweet little angel. I would like to Thank everyone who made Aynee feel well, happy, and loved. It means so much to us that you, who have been part of Aynee's life, are with her till the end.
I would also like to apologize to everyone who witnessed the commotion yesterday, and I would personally like to apologize for my hot-headed actions and bad behavior. I seriously regret causing trouble in Aynee's wake and for everyone present.
I would, however like to emphasize why and what happened. Aynee's boyfriend of more than a year (almost two years in fact), what would you expect of such a man? Hearing about the accident, yet doing nothing. I understand his postition that they are no longer in a relationship, however, I expect nothing less than respect. As a man, I feel shameful of his actions. He never showed any care nor concern about my sister's demise. Wouldn't someone who claims he loves Aynee from the bottom of his heart care, the least that his ex-girlfriend passed away suddenly? He even promised me, when he asked me for permission to be my sister's boyfriend, that he will never hurt her. He never stood by those words. Even in Aynee's wake, he never showed even his shadow. This is probably the worse he could hurt her, not even bidding farewell. he does not even acknowledge the fact that they know each other, let alone, were together. He does no dwell in the past he said, but this is just too much. And he dares to send flowers and cards. He shows no concern, grief, whatsoever. I'm sorry, but I can never accept anything from that boy. Even if Aynee condemns me for this, I will never be able to forgive him. I wish that he will never show his face up to me or I might not be able to hold myself back; I might not be able to control myself again.
The family does not blame him however. Although we stand by the ground that we cannot accept his behaviour. My mom howver, is upset. So upset that it adds to her grief. Her pain is weighed by her anger, as this boy, who she welcomed with open arms, who she considered a family for such a long time, just suddenly worsened her heartache. This causes her to put a blame on him. I would like to apologize on her behalf.
Four more days and we'll have to say goodbye to out sweet little angel. I would like to Thank everyone who made Aynee feel well, happy, and loved. It means so much to us that you, who have been part of Aynee's life, are with her till the end.
I would also like to apologize to everyone who witnessed the commotion yesterday, and I would personally like to apologize for my hot-headed actions and bad behavior. I seriously regret causing trouble in Aynee's wake and for everyone present.
I would, however like to emphasize why and what happened. Aynee's boyfriend of more than a year (almost two years in fact), what would you expect of such a man? Hearing about the accident, yet doing nothing. I understand his postition that they are no longer in a relationship, however, I expect nothing less than respect. As a man, I feel shameful of his actions. He never showed any care nor concern about my sister's demise. Wouldn't someone who claims he loves Aynee from the bottom of his heart care, the least that his ex-girlfriend passed away suddenly? He even promised me, when he asked me for permission to be my sister's boyfriend, that he will never hurt her. He never stood by those words. Even in Aynee's wake, he never showed even his shadow. This is probably the worse he could hurt her, not even bidding farewell. he does not even acknowledge the fact that they know each other, let alone, were together. He does no dwell in the past he said, but this is just too much. And he dares to send flowers and cards. He shows no concern, grief, whatsoever. I'm sorry, but I can never accept anything from that boy. Even if Aynee condemns me for this, I will never be able to forgive him. I wish that he will never show his face up to me or I might not be able to hold myself back; I might not be able to control myself again.
The family does not blame him however. Although we stand by the ground that we cannot accept his behaviour. My mom howver, is upset. So upset that it adds to her grief. Her pain is weighed by her anger, as this boy, who she welcomed with open arms, who she considered a family for such a long time, just suddenly worsened her heartache. This causes her to put a blame on him. I would like to apologize on her behalf.
Wednesday, 19 September 2007
An angel among us, Aynee is.
A video that I want to share with everyone Aynee left.

Five days, and we will never ever again see Aynee. I dread sending her, I don't want to. Everything that I felt when my brother died just repeated itself. It just tore us up all over again. Forgive me for saying this, but letting this out really helps.
I went to Raffles yesterday and I went to look at Aynee's corneas. I felt something weird inside, like a huge rush of love for my sister. It was like something that I felt when I first held a newborn baby Aynee seventeen years ago. I was nine then, and Aynee was just born. I remember looking at her, picking her up and promising myself that I will protect her with all my life. I broke that promise.
Aynee's corneas had been under tests, and it's doing great. It's in perfect condition, and I honestly feel very proud of my sister for taking good care of her eyes, for deciding to donate it herself, to help someone see. Sis, you are an angel, my beloved angel. I will never trade anyone else for my sister, you're the best I can ever ask for.
There are still no decision on who'll get her corneas, no match yet. So IF YOU KNOW ANYONE WHO NEEDS A CORNEA TRANSPLANT PLEASE TAG. Thank you.
My other sister, Clara, cuddled up to me at the funeral last night, and simply said, "I miss her". I'm not going to let her go far from me, never. I'm going to keep her close to me, I'm going to protect her, she's the only one I have now. I ask everyone to learn a lesson from all these. LIVE YOUR LIFE TO THE FULLEST. LIVE EVRYDAY LIKE IT'S YOUR LAST. LOVE EVERYONE AND SHOW IT. DON'T WAIT TILL IT'S ALL TOO LATE. LOVE LIFE. LIVE LIFE.
Tuesday, 18 September 2007
The truth behind the accident
I was just given the okay sign to be able to account THE TRUTH behind Aynee's car crash. I personally think that Aynee's friends are owed an explanation regarding what really happened. There are many speculations regarding the crash but none of them are true. According to Nat (Aynee's friend) she has been receiving questions about what really happened so in courtesy, I would like to relate the truth.
Friday night, as usual, Aynee phoned me at home (I was in L.A.) and she told me about the day's plans. Remembering the conversation now, I just wish to turn back time. If I had only known it was the last time I was ever going to hear her voice I should have just said everything to her. She told me she was to go to visit her friend Kenneth who was sick, then attend her ballet recitals, and finally give the presnets she brought from England to her ex-boyfriend (the family refuse to acknowledge or mention anymore, who if I may say, is too arrogant to even visit Aynee's wake neither to acknowledge that he knows Aynee let alone admit she was his girlfriend; he doesn't have a heart.).
After we hang-up, I remember the last words she ever told me was: "Oi you take care. Godnight, I love you" and that was it. I would never hear from her again and it just rips me like hell. According to Kenneth, Aynee went to his house at round 10 am, had lunch there and then went to her ballet class. At around 2 pm, she met up with Mark and Lin to go to Mark's friend's party. At around 6 she left, according to Lin, to go to her ex-boyfriend's house. Mark fetched her around 8pm with Lin.
The accident happened at Kranji Expressway around 8:20 pm. Mark was driving, Aynee was in front, and Lin was sleeping at the back. It's not true that Mark was drunk; Aynee and Lin we're the ones who had a drink. Lin is currently suffering from memory lapses, caused by the accident so she could only tell what she remembers.
She said that she woke up due to a loud bang which was coming from the rear of the car, and suddenly they were spinning fast and there was a loud screech of the brakes. And then she said she doesn't remember anything.
Mark is currently in a very critical condition at Raffles and in a coma. we are hoping for thebest though we are bracing ourselves for the worse. This accident has taken one life too many, we cannot afford another one.
According to the investigation, the accident happened at 8:23 pm. The rear tire in the driver side burst without warning sending the car spinning. If you could imagine the force that caused the car to spin, you would have a clear view of how serious the damage done to Aynee. The car spun 3 times, twice hitting with serious force, aynee's side of the car. The first spin was the most serious, according to the investigation, and it caused a lot of damage. The spin caused Aynee to hit the barriers directly, which probably caused the most serious damage. The second spin, the back portion hit the rear of the car, fortunately, just missing out on Lin. The finally spin was again on my sister's side, towards the front of the car.
I would like to thank so much the people who were at the scene that time, who called the ambulance. What happened was, though I mean not to blame anyone, the first ambulance focused on rescuing Mark from the wreckage first, thinking that he was the one most severely hurt. NO ONE THOUGHT OF HOW SERIOUS AYNEE'S INJURIES WERE. This is a very serious mistake that caused Aynee's vital signs to fail, though she was given oxygen. Finally the second ambulance arrived, and they freed Aynee and Lin.
It took more than an hour to get them properly to Westpoint Family Hospital, which was nearest. According to the nurse on the ambulance, AYNEE WAS STILL ALIVE. I THINK WE DESERVE A PROPER EXPLANATION FROM THE ATTENDING DOCTORS AS TO WHAT HAPPENED THERE. I did not know what they did, but after half an hour they told my parents that Aynee died on the table. They transfered her immediately to Raffles hospital for revival but they tried for two hours to no avail.
Nee was pronounced dead on 11: 53 pm, September 15, 1007. She died of severe head injuries with multiple skull fracture. She also suffered from Internal bleeding and and broken ribs.
I never saw what happened, I never knew anything. When my mom called, she was sobbing and delivered the news of the accident. I knew how serious it was, but I never thought of losing her. I flew the very next flight I can home, all the while praying to God, just please don't take her away, let her be in a coma or anything, just don't take her away from me. BUT GOD STILL DID.
I cannot write anymore. Recounting the very reason that took my sister's life is unbearable. Although we suffer pain and loss, we believe Aynee's death cannot lead to nothing. I found Aynee's pre-death donor card, and she indicated she wanted to be a cornea donor. Her corneas are currently under the hospital's care, bound to give sight to at least one person. This I hope will be her legacy.
HER WAKE IS AT OUR FAMILY HOUSE IN JURONG AND THE FUNERAL WILL BE ON TUESDAY. We only have one week more till we send her to God, I wish that time will never come.
Friday night, as usual, Aynee phoned me at home (I was in L.A.) and she told me about the day's plans. Remembering the conversation now, I just wish to turn back time. If I had only known it was the last time I was ever going to hear her voice I should have just said everything to her. She told me she was to go to visit her friend Kenneth who was sick, then attend her ballet recitals, and finally give the presnets she brought from England to her ex-boyfriend (the family refuse to acknowledge or mention anymore, who if I may say, is too arrogant to even visit Aynee's wake neither to acknowledge that he knows Aynee let alone admit she was his girlfriend; he doesn't have a heart.).
After we hang-up, I remember the last words she ever told me was: "Oi you take care. Godnight, I love you" and that was it. I would never hear from her again and it just rips me like hell. According to Kenneth, Aynee went to his house at round 10 am, had lunch there and then went to her ballet class. At around 2 pm, she met up with Mark and Lin to go to Mark's friend's party. At around 6 she left, according to Lin, to go to her ex-boyfriend's house. Mark fetched her around 8pm with Lin.
The accident happened at Kranji Expressway around 8:20 pm. Mark was driving, Aynee was in front, and Lin was sleeping at the back. It's not true that Mark was drunk; Aynee and Lin we're the ones who had a drink. Lin is currently suffering from memory lapses, caused by the accident so she could only tell what she remembers.
She said that she woke up due to a loud bang which was coming from the rear of the car, and suddenly they were spinning fast and there was a loud screech of the brakes. And then she said she doesn't remember anything.
Mark is currently in a very critical condition at Raffles and in a coma. we are hoping for thebest though we are bracing ourselves for the worse. This accident has taken one life too many, we cannot afford another one.
According to the investigation, the accident happened at 8:23 pm. The rear tire in the driver side burst without warning sending the car spinning. If you could imagine the force that caused the car to spin, you would have a clear view of how serious the damage done to Aynee. The car spun 3 times, twice hitting with serious force, aynee's side of the car. The first spin was the most serious, according to the investigation, and it caused a lot of damage. The spin caused Aynee to hit the barriers directly, which probably caused the most serious damage. The second spin, the back portion hit the rear of the car, fortunately, just missing out on Lin. The finally spin was again on my sister's side, towards the front of the car.
I would like to thank so much the people who were at the scene that time, who called the ambulance. What happened was, though I mean not to blame anyone, the first ambulance focused on rescuing Mark from the wreckage first, thinking that he was the one most severely hurt. NO ONE THOUGHT OF HOW SERIOUS AYNEE'S INJURIES WERE. This is a very serious mistake that caused Aynee's vital signs to fail, though she was given oxygen. Finally the second ambulance arrived, and they freed Aynee and Lin.
It took more than an hour to get them properly to Westpoint Family Hospital, which was nearest. According to the nurse on the ambulance, AYNEE WAS STILL ALIVE. I THINK WE DESERVE A PROPER EXPLANATION FROM THE ATTENDING DOCTORS AS TO WHAT HAPPENED THERE. I did not know what they did, but after half an hour they told my parents that Aynee died on the table. They transfered her immediately to Raffles hospital for revival but they tried for two hours to no avail.
Nee was pronounced dead on 11: 53 pm, September 15, 1007. She died of severe head injuries with multiple skull fracture. She also suffered from Internal bleeding and and broken ribs.
I never saw what happened, I never knew anything. When my mom called, she was sobbing and delivered the news of the accident. I knew how serious it was, but I never thought of losing her. I flew the very next flight I can home, all the while praying to God, just please don't take her away, let her be in a coma or anything, just don't take her away from me. BUT GOD STILL DID.
I cannot write anymore. Recounting the very reason that took my sister's life is unbearable. Although we suffer pain and loss, we believe Aynee's death cannot lead to nothing. I found Aynee's pre-death donor card, and she indicated she wanted to be a cornea donor. Her corneas are currently under the hospital's care, bound to give sight to at least one person. This I hope will be her legacy.
HER WAKE IS AT OUR FAMILY HOUSE IN JURONG AND THE FUNERAL WILL BE ON TUESDAY. We only have one week more till we send her to God, I wish that time will never come.
Monday, 17 September 2007
This is Aynee's brother, Chino. I would like to thank first of all, Joseph Hsu, who provided me his blogger account to set up this online memorial to Aynee.
Let's not dwell on the miscomings of Aynee's short life, instead, I hope that we can celebrate the short but meaningful life of Aynee's short lived life. As her brother, it pains me to lose my sister, as I have already loss my younger brother. Still, losing a sibling the second time around to a tragic accident takes my whole sould out of me, and rips me apart like no other.
Knowing that Aynee's life has been mostly sorrounded by Family and Friends, we would like to apologize as we cannot grant everyone's request. Due to shock and plain grief, we hope that Aynee's friends abroad would understand why we cannot grant them visits. It has been a family decision that Aynee would be buried in Sing, alongside our brother and grandparents.
To be honest I cannot find anymore strength to write anything more, I don't even know where I got the strength to start writing. I am at loss and grieving, so is everyone in the kennington clan. As much as we want everyone to be able to bid Aynee farewell properly, we decided a more private wake and funeral. We cannot disclose any information regarding the funeral at the moment, as investigations are still going on.
However, knowing that Aynee has tons of online friends we would like to have an online memorial for her. I WOULD LIKE TO INVITE EVERYONE WHO CANNOT ATTEND THE FUNERAL CEREMONY TO AN ONLINE GUESTBOOK SIGNING THIS FRIDAY FROM AROUND 10 PM AND THIS SATURDAY, FROM 6 PM ONWARDS. I WILL USE AYNEE'S MSN ACCOUNT SO THAT EVERYONE CAN BE CONTACTED. This will be a time for solemn remembering of Aynee's life and as well as messages I will print out and stick at her funeral guestbook.
I would, as her brother, like to clarify and protect her regarding certain issues that came up. Personally, I can't believe people are so insensitive to even start and spread totally untrue rumours about Aynee in the time of her death. May god bless you.
1. AYNEE DID NOT COMMIT SUICIDE. SHE WAS INVOLVED IN A CAR ACCIDENT WITH TWO OF OUR COUSINS MARK, AND LIN. (we cannot disclose the location due to on going investigations)
In our most difficult time, please allow us time to mourn and take in what happened. PLEASE JUST LET AYNEE REST IN PEACE, I WISH EVERYONE WILL NOT BELIEVE STUPID RUMOURS ABOUT MY SISTER.
In the meantime, the kennington family extend their thanks to everyone who showed up and sent their condolences. We cannot possibly tell you how much your support mean to us at this time of grief.
I will disclose more details about the incident tomorrow, I would like to encourage grieving friends to send their messages in her blog's tagboard, in comments here, or this blog's tagboard as well.
Thank you.
Let's not dwell on the miscomings of Aynee's short life, instead, I hope that we can celebrate the short but meaningful life of Aynee's short lived life. As her brother, it pains me to lose my sister, as I have already loss my younger brother. Still, losing a sibling the second time around to a tragic accident takes my whole sould out of me, and rips me apart like no other.
Knowing that Aynee's life has been mostly sorrounded by Family and Friends, we would like to apologize as we cannot grant everyone's request. Due to shock and plain grief, we hope that Aynee's friends abroad would understand why we cannot grant them visits. It has been a family decision that Aynee would be buried in Sing, alongside our brother and grandparents.
To be honest I cannot find anymore strength to write anything more, I don't even know where I got the strength to start writing. I am at loss and grieving, so is everyone in the kennington clan. As much as we want everyone to be able to bid Aynee farewell properly, we decided a more private wake and funeral. We cannot disclose any information regarding the funeral at the moment, as investigations are still going on.
However, knowing that Aynee has tons of online friends we would like to have an online memorial for her. I WOULD LIKE TO INVITE EVERYONE WHO CANNOT ATTEND THE FUNERAL CEREMONY TO AN ONLINE GUESTBOOK SIGNING THIS FRIDAY FROM AROUND 10 PM AND THIS SATURDAY, FROM 6 PM ONWARDS. I WILL USE AYNEE'S MSN ACCOUNT SO THAT EVERYONE CAN BE CONTACTED. This will be a time for solemn remembering of Aynee's life and as well as messages I will print out and stick at her funeral guestbook.
I would, as her brother, like to clarify and protect her regarding certain issues that came up. Personally, I can't believe people are so insensitive to even start and spread totally untrue rumours about Aynee in the time of her death. May god bless you.
1. AYNEE DID NOT COMMIT SUICIDE. SHE WAS INVOLVED IN A CAR ACCIDENT WITH TWO OF OUR COUSINS MARK, AND LIN. (we cannot disclose the location due to on going investigations)
In our most difficult time, please allow us time to mourn and take in what happened. PLEASE JUST LET AYNEE REST IN PEACE, I WISH EVERYONE WILL NOT BELIEVE STUPID RUMOURS ABOUT MY SISTER.
In the meantime, the kennington family extend their thanks to everyone who showed up and sent their condolences. We cannot possibly tell you how much your support mean to us at this time of grief.
I will disclose more details about the incident tomorrow, I would like to encourage grieving friends to send their messages in her blog's tagboard, in comments here, or this blog's tagboard as well.
Thank you.
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